mirror Sea

sea mirror
mirror ocean
mirror sea
mirror water
ocean mirrors
sea mirrors

mirror Sea

Art  Classic  Colors  Culture  Modern  Perfect


Dear visitors Mirror ART present to your attention 
Sea mirror amazing pearl ocean answer water mermaid dolphin 

Ocean mirrors

from the theme of Marine
size 50x50 cm,
inches - ( 20" - 20" ) approx
Weight - 2,6 kg
pound - lb - 5,6 
four holes 2 mm for mounting / vertically , horizontally , as you wish

without frame, Stylish Modern ART , exclusive single personal mirrors  

This mirror was made by the order of a beautiful girl who loved water, sea and ocean. this girl worked in the aquarium, but now she float away somewhere and probably turned into a mermaid or sea princess and also found her beloved and devoted dolphin  and of course completely forgot about the world of people, so wish this mermaid all the Best 
Let me tell you a secret, mermaids are very fond of dry small shells. This is a delicacy: everything is wet and salty in the sea, and here is such a treat, houses of mollusks dried in the sun. Sit on a rock washed by the surf, comb long flowing hair, collect pearls under water and swim with graceful dolphins. It sounds incredible, but some probably managed to make a fairy tale come true and made their dream come true. World of mermaids and dolphins is water, and above the water is the sky. Always the same elastic greenish water and changeable - that blue sky filled with white and purple clouds. When the sky is clear, beyond the Ocean with a warm shining eye watching sun. Dolphin and the mermaid often play near the shore and people can see the dolphin jumping high out of the water, and with it holding onto the fin, a young mermaid flies over the waves.  Dolphin makes a piercing sound in a language understandable only to him and the Mermaid, and she, as if echoing the dolphin, laughs loudly in response. Dolphins and mermaids are very devoted to each other and everything around them is filled with warmth and care, mermaids and dolphins are very comfortable in this Kingdom of Water.

Now, modern science is moving forward very quickly, but the sea has not been fully explored. They say that even a human came out of the water. This is one of the versions of modern scientists. This is second only to the theory that man was a monkey. Let's build on and continue on the theory related to water. 

Sea is eternal movement and love, eternal life
Sea is a fusion of heavenly beauty and hellish power.
By the sea disappear wrinkles in the shower 
Sea air is completely different ... It smells like human dreams.
In the Ocean, thoughts are dulled, and feelings are sharpened
Get rid of most of the problems just by going to the ocean. He listens and calms you down
Ocean and sky - two symbols of infinity
Sea bewitches, the sea kills, excites, frightens, and also makes me laugh, sometimes disappears, on occasion dresses up as a lake or piles up storms, devours ships, bestows riches and does not give answers; 
it is both wise and gentle and strong and unpredictable. But the main thing is that the sea is calling.
Sea itself is a mystery. It is the space where the world of the living and the world of the dead touch each other.
Ocean. Five letters, in which there is so much freshness, depth, sweetness and peace.
Ocean is nature's most amazing pearl. 
#sea #ocean #water #seaMirror #mirrorSea #mirror #seaMirrors #mirrorsSea #mirrors #oceanMirror #mirrorOcean #oceanMirrors #mirrorsOcean #waterMirror #mirrorWater 


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mirror Sea


Mirror ART & Marine


SEPTEMBER  7, 2020