

Mirror writing designed in the style street Art lettering graffiti


what is lettering ?  How to understand  what is in front of you exactly lettering ?
trying to understand and explain
they are one-of-a-kind letters written for a unique lettering, title or project,
this is an inscription where each character is written by hand, 
hand sketch is supplemented with computer graphics, 
letters, numbers, hieroglyphs, petroglyphs represent a single stylized composition
Lettering is often confused with calligraphy, although they have serious differences.
In lettering we draw, and in calligraphy we write.
Lettering is commonly used in logos, covers, graffiti, tattoos, name,  

and we proposed a new direction - ART mirror lettering 
and this category devoted entirely to this direction 

Actuality street Art, lettering and graffiti made in mirror style opens a new direction in big cities and megacities. sensitivity to everything that happens around requires special caligrafie and expressed in  mirror Art street , mirror lettering and mirror graffiti..


These projects are special because they combine imagination, colors and visual art. 
This is a relatively new technique, perception images include another mirror or reflection in another mirror. 
It could be a "mirror in the mirror" style or something more fundamental, like lettering. Although the perception mirror is often unusual ...





Mirror ART & Lettering


JULY 9, 2018